愤怒的画家 [AVI/1.38GB] [中文字幕]

【影片片名】:愤怒的画家 [中文字幕]
【影片译名】:Angry Painter (2015)
【平均评价】: 新片.评价人数尚不足.
【上映日期】:上映时间: 2015-06-18 (韩国)
【影片大小】:1.38 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→转制AVI)
【影片尺度】:限制级 (19+)
【视频效果】:1000X560 (清晰版)
【主演演员】:刘俊相. 全圭焕. 文钟元. 赵河硕. 吴成泰. 李率求. Yu Junsang. Moon Jongwon. Bulynia Natallia. Sergey. Alex. Sergey. Alain Garneau. Ha-seok Jo. 等.
【档桉数目】:1个AVI+16个图片群 (种子内有图)
【语种发音】:韩语发音. 简体中文字幕.
【影片内容】:时装.成人.剧情.情色.爱情.动作.惊悚.犯罪.毒品.钢管秀. 等.
【影片片商】:Production Co: Tree Film Productions.
【下载工具】:请用 BitComet 下载.
【回覆附注】:※不喜此类型者请自律, 请勿回覆损人不利己的无聊言词!!
【种子期限】:完30种后5天内不定期补种 (3週后删档)
演员刘俊相主演的电影《愤怒的画家》日前被韩国影像等级委员会判定为“限制上映”级别。目前韩国并没有专门的影院可以上映此级别的电影,所有的宣传及广告也受到限制,其实相当于被禁映。影等委表示该片在主题、暴力、台词、恐怖、情色等方面都有模彷危害,拉低观众的审美情趣,对观众有有害的一面。 该片是由《不伦的时代》、《重量》、《我的男孩》等电影的全圭焕导演执导。此前以《画家》为名而展开製作,是由韩国和爱沙尼亚合作的动作惊悚片,讲述的是一个神秘的画家和同僚一起,以惩罚恶人的名义,摘除其内脏器官的犯罪故事。 片方表示,会根据审查再次进行剪辑,并重新送审。对“限制上映'的判定没有预料到。而国内上映日期当时还未能决定。
◎暴力黑色加情色,还有稍微小雾化处理,以及有点像 cult 影片.
JEON stated that ”with The Painter I want to create a different type of mise-en-scene within the frame of genre – a unique and highly stylized film with the vision I have become known for.” The project will star YOO Joon-sang, who is known for his performance in HONG Sangsoo’s films such as Hahaha (2009), The Day He Arrives (2011) and In Another Country (2012), as a painter with supernatural characteristics. In his spare time, the artist kills criminals and takes their organs as a form of retribution. One day he crosses paths with a woman working in a hostess club and after learning of her sister in Estonia, he travels to Eastern Europe with his sights set on the sex trade. The film is set to feature Estonian thespian Tambet Tuisk, who has previously worked on I Was Here (2008) and The Poll Diaries (2010), and will co-star an Estonian actress whose identity has yet to be revealed.
There is a murderer who kills his victims and drapes them like paintings, before he leaves the scene on a motorcycle. He was able to flee from the police of South Korea to Estonia, where he starts to kill again. But a mysterious hunter and a driver are chasing him.
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【内容实际截图】:※以下係本人组合图组, 因需经压缩图档, 所以实际影片内容画面, 比截图更清晰优质.※




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